Thursday, April 30, 2009

Nosgoth and the Reaver of Souls

Remember the "Legacy of Kain" series? Soul Reaver, anyone? Raziel, disgraced and tortured for a thousand years rises from the swirling, acidic bowels of the Lake of the Dead to kill his mentor and brethren.

Well, the games were favorites of mine when I was a wee lad of 12-14 and I wish Eidos would make a new one. The last one released was Legacy of Kain: Defiance, in which both Kain and Raziel were playable characters.

The plot is ridiculously well thought out, in terms of a video game, anyway. Unexpected twists abound, there's time travel, themes of redemption, betrayal and greed. And it's superb design and amazing voice acting (Simon Templeman plays the ancient and violent vampire Kain-- I suggest you Google him) provide a flavor unique in the industry.
For any fans of the series who don't yet know, here's an excellent fan-made and maintained website:

It's got everything you could want, down to the game's dialogue in script form and concept art.

Speaking of Eidos, though, the London-based game developer has recently been bought out by none other than Square Enix, the giant responsible for Final Fantasy. We all know who they are, of course.

What this means for the LoK saga... well, I hope they don't can it. I want to revisit the vampire-infested, blood-gorged realm of Nosgoth sometime soon.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Cat in a Box

In the same spirit as yesterday's "compliment post", take a look at this video.

What? I can be light-hearted. Not everything I write in this blog must deal with serious issues!
Look at the kitty! =) Kitty.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Because We All Need One Sometimes

Click this link when you're feeling down:

Wal-Mart Sells $138 Box of Rocks

Tsk, tsk, Wal-Mart. They aren't the only ones to blame, of course, but they should be a bit more cautious about this stuff.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Sadly, no!

These guys seem to do what I do, only much better. Hard to explain, so just take a look.

Also, the price of The Rebirth of Rhin reverts to $3.99 on May 1st.
Hurry and buy a copy while it's still only $0.99:

Sunday, April 12, 2009

The Rebirth of Rhin Deal

It's working well, so far. According to my calculations... carry the eight... my sales have septupled!

But, you can still get yours, my friend. Visit this link to buy a Kindle version of tRoR for the temporary, dementedly-low price of $0.99:

You can either download the Kindle sample pages, or visit this link to check out the first chapter for free:

(The First Chapter Project went under, so I had to make other accommodations--thank you,