Monday, August 18, 2008


Yesterday, since my allowance... allowed it... I bought the PC version of Assassin's Creed.

I know it's been the subject of pretty mixed reviews, but it's my opinion that you can't always trust those damned, trixy reviewer sites. Sometimes money changes hands, if'n ya know what I mean.
I find the fact that no one could agree on whether it was actually good or not refreshing. Worth the risk, that sort of thing.

I've been waiting to play the game for over six months now, but was unable to buy it because of my lack of jaw-dropping hardware. Now I have my new computer, so I shan't wait any longer!

The new PC is a dream. I couldn't possibly be happier with it. There's a site you should check out as well, if you're looking to buy a computer and don't want to ruin yourself in the process. Scope out for some great deals. Let's just say, I saved myself at least $1,000.

The brand I bought is iBuyPower-- I know what you're thinking: Julian, what the hell kind of brand is that? Well, hold on and I'll tell you. They're relatively new, but they get great reviews all-round. So I took a minor gamble, and it paid off in a huge way.

I call my computer "The Behemoth", 'cause it's big and loud and mythically powerful.
So, back to Assassin's Creed. It may not be really long, or perfect, but I haven't seen a game like it before. Being able to climb any building and murder hapless victims in the street? It's like they made the game for me.

I'll give you guys a mini review (spoiler-free) once I play it for a while.


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