Monday, November 24, 2008

I'm Back

It's been a while. Where did I go? Maybe it was the Bermuda Triangle. That would certainly explain a few things, but raise alot more questions in the process.

I'm back from my two week 'vacation' and that's what counts, I suppose. You may have missed me.

Anyway, now that the election is over (besides the couple of recounts and the Special Election in Georgia (they call it that because the system upon which the "Runoffs" are based is retarded)), I feel remarkably free.
It hasn't quite hit me yet that Obama will be the next President, but I feel the tingliness that flickering hope brings. After all, how much different could it get?

In Florida, students are signing up for University in record numbers. That may have nothing whatsoever to do with Obama's election, but I'd like to think it does.
The dude isn't even in and Hope and Change are spreading like swarms of hungry locusts. Nice locusts. Locusts with hope.

So, progressives can breathe a bit easier knowing that we will finally get some f-fing representation in our government. But, and you can be sure of this:
The Conservatives will not back down.

Remember what they did to Clinton as soon as he got elected? "Is the Clinton Presidency Over?" And many similar articles.
Now, Billy-Bob Clinton isn't my favorite guy- but for Christ's sake, they sold him out the minute he came into power!

You can bet your bottom dollar (lame expression) that the Right Wing Media (Fox "News" & Co.; Parts of CNN... etc) will do everything in their power to hunt him with a fury unparalled until either he is broken like a dog, or the sky falls on our heads.

But, and this is the only reason I don't break down and weep at the insanity of our nation, Obama has already proven his strength politically (and that of his character). I don't worry for him, I worry for us.
I think, though, that this time we aren't quite as powerless.

It's as Dennis Kucinich said during the General Election, "Wake up America."

Well, it's cliche, but I suggest you take that advice.
I will be with you every step of the way.

It's going to be a good four years.


Grace Leszynski said...

hey i like your blog. insightful :]

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