Wednesday, August 27, 2008

My Personal Hero

If there was ever a standard I wished to live up to, it would the one this man imposes upon me. I can think of no better example of the shining spiritual essence that defines a great human being than Jon Stewart.
He and Stephen T. Colbert are the brightest lights, and best mediators of an increasingly decadent, morally-corrupt and socially-retarded society.

I know they're just comedians. But, at the same time, they are giants among imps. It gives me hope that, from us, two such men could be spawned-- lifted on our shoulders to voice what we, for so long, refused to hear.

The only true voice of the people, through the ages of our race's existence, has been the playright/comedian/bard-- whatever. Because, in order for these people to be funny, they have had to tap into the thoughts of the proverbial People. To hear what it is that fuels our modern society, dissecting it, ridiculing it... and ultimately, perfecting it.

On that note, I give you Mr. Stewart (on CNN's Crossfire, 2004).

For one reason or another, I find myself unable to embed the clip into Stone's Throw. So, instead, I offer thee the link.
Pity me for my imperfections; forgive me my flaws.


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